Saturday, June 25, 2011

Christmas in June?

Did you know that today, June 25th, is LEON day. Have you ever heard of it? LEON is NOEL spelled backwards. LEON day is the half-way mark in the year until Christmas! It has been six months since Christmas and it is six months until Christmas. If nothing else, you (and the rest of us) have only 6 more months of shopping to do before the big day LOL!! 

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Friday, June 24, 2011

Walking, Birds & Cupcakes

Finally I am back into the routine of morning walks. Today the beautiful birds were out in force along the Mad River. The Great Blue Heron is hunting to feed a nest of young that are just about ready to fly. The Egret (in the photo on the left) is but one of several that were hunting on the river bank this morning.

Now that the trade shows are over for us for the year, it is time to settle into making and photographing the beautiful new additions to our collection of art glass cupcake truffles.

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